My name is Cyndi Collins. I am known to my family as that crazy animal lady! I have had a lifelong animal obsession. When I was a child, my nickname was "cat momma". I grew up in the country but not on a farm. There were no kids around to play with so I spent my time riding my bike down the dirt road, hanging with my brothers, playing with my dolls, and last but CERTAINLY not least, playing with my cat. The neighbor had very run down, rickety barn that was absolutely decrepit in looks. I was in no way supposed to be in there but I knew that is where all of the stray cats lived. I would stand in there quietly for hours waiting for baby kittens to start coming out and I would catch them! Of course I was bit several times but I didn't care. I would sneak them through my bedroom window and play with them for hours. Months later, my mom would develop the film from my little camera (old school) and ask me where in the world all these cats came from that were in my bedroom! This was just a little snippet of my past cat loving life. Today I am a mom, grandmother (MiMi), and wife. My husband John loves our cats and is very involved although he may deny that lol. I catch him loving on the cats and snuggling them as much as I do. He truly loves animals and he always has my back no matter what I need. My oldest daughter is my right hand in everything and the mother to my four grandkids. They are super involved as they are my key social workers! They keep our kittens very socialized! My middle daughter who lives across the US from us has one of our gorgeous kittens and wants another! Our youngest daughter is probably the biggest cat lover and if she didn't have to go away to college soon, she would have them all living in her room that she never leaves (typical teenager lol). My parents (aka Mama and Papa) are always there when I need help and of course, doing the same thing they did many years ago. They roll their eyes at me every time I come up with a new idea. I will quote my mother all my younger years. "Cyndi, you can have as many animals as you want when you have your own house". I laugh and remind her of that often. They just laugh but I get it honest! Both of my parents love all of my animals. Above all, the most important thing I want you to know about our family is that we are a God fearing family. Our Lord comes first in everything.
Rory & Bella
Rory I would say is my mini me when it comes to being crazy about animals. She is crazy regardless but she has such a deep love of animals that she is always in my shadow no matter what I am doing animal related. Even if I am cleaning, emptying litter boxes, or doing any kind of dirty work...Rory is there. Her obsession runs as deep as mine when it comes to loving and caring for animals.
Bella, the last of the kiddos is Rory's twin sister. She is the drama queen kid that loves the babies. Little did we know, Bella was allergic to cats and we dismissed her swollen eyes the first day we got our cats because we thought it was from the crocodile tears she had flowing over the arguments on who could hold what kitten first. Her body must have gotten used to the cats quickly because two of them lived in her bedroom for several months in the beginning. It wasn't until later when the cats were not confined to her room that she started showing more severe allergies. Don't think this stops Bella from cuddling any of our cats at any time she wants. We just make sure to have a good supply of Benadryl on hand and she deals with her itchy swollen eyes happily!
Our Story
My oldest daughter Kelsi is the one behind the camera most of the time. If the photos are is for sure her work. She has four amazing kiddos that our cattery would not exist without! Of all of our animals, the Maine Coon cats are Kelsi's favorites and as much complaining as she has done all her life over my animals, you will never hear a complaint about the cats! She loves these beautiful cats and helps me with anything related to them. She keeps up with our social media most of the time as well. As a very busy mom, she is still always there to have my back.
It all began with my granddaughter begging for a kitten. We all love cats and no one was apposed to getting a kitten. However, we have had barn cats, stray cats, and even Persian cats. I’ve taken in my share of feral cats and even grabbed up a kitten or two in store parking lots and headed straight to the vet for check up, shots, and got them altered. It was nothing new for us to get a cat. We decided that this time, we were going to get something really special. My husband made mention a few times that he really liked the look of a Maine Coon. After very little deliberation, everyone agreed that this was the breed to own! We searched the net for the best breeder in the US and spent so much time looking at websites, Facebook pages, and photos. It was decided that we would buy from outside of the US. The reason was pretty simple. We love the look of European Maine Coons. They have a more feral face, bigger features and such a striking appearance. It was a gamble as there are language barriers and scammers, as well as simple trust issues. We lucked out or should I say, we were simply BLESSED with the outcome!
We began with four awesome Maine Coon cats that were imported from Russia. I have four grandkids who reside with us and each claimed one for their own. Each cat has their own story that you can read about on their page as well as view their photos. We have now expanded and are continuing to expand our cattery as our passion and knowledge grows each year. We now have had a more than a few litters of kittens as well as years of experience behind us and although it is a LOT of work, we truly enjoy it. We are so in love with these cats. It is extremely hard not to want to keep every kitten but that is not a good idea…lol When you sit down to play with a litter of 5 week old kittens, they just steal your heart!
Ahnika is my youngest daughter who adores these magnificent little lions. She can't get through a day without spending time with her cats. Ahnika has moved so much in her short life that her social life has been a struggle. She has always been very reserved in making friends easily and as she has grown, the one thing that she has shown us is that the cats are awesome emotional support pets for her. I think everyone knows an individual like this and it is a true blessing that we have these pets for her. Music and cats are her life! She soon goes off to college to major in music!
Our Cattery Name
My oldest grandchild Justus is the sweetest little boy. He is so gentle and loving with all of our animals. He loves the excitement of new kittens and really loves playing with them as they start to play. He is the one kid that is always letting a cat out of their room and into a part of the house they are not supposed to be "by accident". He is not always careful about checking doors and we have to be sure the boys are separate from the girls so Justus gets picked on a lot but he still loves spending time with the cats outside of school and his busy basketball life.
Celeste is where it all began. She is the granddaughter that begged for a kitten. When she could barely talk, she was afraid of our dog. We told her it was a cat so she would like it and she believed us lol. So she always loved cats and begged for one once she realized the dog was indeed a dog. Celeste is the first in line to see the new babies, name them, and hold them when we have new arrivals!
We are the original Royal Majesty Maine Coons cattery, aka RM Maine Coons. My family is very involved with raising our kittens as our adult cats are our pets. The name of our cattery is used in slight variations quite a bit across the Untied States. This has been an issue for us and very confusing for our customers at times. It has been a discussion in our family that no one really likes the name and then something happened that has triggered us to change the name of our cattery.
We were left a very bad review on our Facebook cattery page out of the blue one day. I was accused of being a scammer! This person stated that they paid for a kitten, had a contract, and receipts as well as documented conversations with me. This review was put up while I was in the middle of moving. I did not see it and was contacted by a loyal customer to let me know what was being said. I immediately responded to the review because you cannot remove reviews. I told my side of the story which was, I did not know this person, never spoke to her ever before and she has us mistaken for someone else. I then blocked the person. However, after giving it some thought, I realized that this poor woman could have truly been scammed and a scammer could have been using our photos or name. So I quickly unblocked her and reached out to her though instant messenger from my private account. I got a message from her on our Royal Majesty Maine Coon messenger in response. She was very angry and in no way believed me! I was mortified! At this point, I knew there was nothing I could do or say to convince her so I did not respond. I didn't block her though. My customers had also messaged and left comments under the review without me asking them to. At this point, I was very hurt but there was nothing I felt I could do.
Fast forward a couple of weeks and I received a phone call from someone stating the same name as the woman who left the bad review on our facebook page. She was crying and apologizing! She said she took the scammers to court and when showed up, there were four men. I wasn't there! She then realized she had made a mistake and had to call me and apologize and said she would take the review down as well as write on my facebook page telling everyone she had made a mistake. We had a long talk and she brought tears to my eyes. I felt so terrible for her but was so relieved to hear from her. This woman has such a good and loving heart. She could have just blew this off and never said another word but she went out of her way, unlike most people today, and reached out to me apologizing.
This was basically the straw that broke the camels back for us. It was time to change our cattery name and it needed to be unique. I'm going to back up here and change the subject for a moment. Our original stud king was Pawzilla. He was the most gorgeous red polydactyl boy I have ever seen. His personality and loving heart were unexplainable! I have told very few people this to date, we lost our beloved Pawzilla to an unforeseen accident that he did not recover from in 2024. It has been too hard to talk about so I will not elaborate on this right now. I'm bringing this up because it is him who lead us to our new cattery name. In memory of our sweet Pawzilla, we are now "Pawzilla Maine Coons".
FYI... we are currently awaiting the birth of Pawzilla number 2. He will be related to our original Pawzilla and I'm sure he will be just as awesome. We cannot live without a gorgeous red Pawzilla boy!