Your new Maine Coon kitten will come home with the food he/she was raised on in our cattery. We suggest you use this food or use it to slowly transition onto a new food. We recommend a raw diet but not everyone is open to this option. Please inquire for more info on our raw feeding diet for our Maine Coon cats. Treats should be given sparingly until your kitten is completely adjusted and old enough to handle the addition in their diet. We do recommend all natural treats (100% dehydrated meats). We know all of our cats love play toys and catnip as well! Fresh, clean water should be available at all times but a side note to be aware of…Maine Coon cats love to play in water!
Acclimating Gently transition your new kitten into your home. They should not be given free roam to your house the first day. Use a small room to confine your kitten that has his/her basic necessities available (food, water, litter box, bed, and toys). They will be nervous being away from everything they have ever known. You want them to adjust in their own time and way. Give them lots of love and attention but know when to give them a break. Once the kitten shows signs of being relaxed (comes to you on his own and purrs), you can start letting them have more freedom in your home. If there are accidents outside of the litter box, start this process over.
Grooming/Vet CareThe Maine Coon cat needs regular brushing since they are a long haired breed. However, as a kitten, the hair is not very long. It doesn’t require as much attention in the first year of life. However, you need to get them used to being brushed. Pay closer attention to areas on the underside, arm pits, and ares with longer hair. Nails should be trimmed every two weeks or so in order to keep those little nails from digging into flesh and accidentally harming or scratching you.
Once you know you are bringing home a Maine Coon kitten, make your first vet appointment. Schedule it according to what your kitten is needing. Our contract specifically states how quickly you need to see your vet but not everyone follows the rules. You absolutely need to schedule their next set of shots so they are not late and it so gets you established with a veterinarian in case of emergencies. |